Are You Ready To Be Totally Protected?
If you are, we can help. Our clients who have served during wartime in our armed forces are entitled to benefits that often go unclaimed.
Veterans come to us because they want to take full advantage of the benefits they have earned. And they want to avoid:
- Probate Court
- The Cost of Home Health Care and Nursing Home Care
- Heirs Inheritance Being Lost to Divorce & Lawsuits
- Losing Assets if a Spouse Remarries
- Hard-Earned assets being wasted by immature Heirs
ILP + The Solutions
As VA Certified attorneys, we know how to protect you and the people that matter to you from all this and more.
There are programs available for veterans that have served in wartime that can provide valuable benefits to the veteran and to the veteran’s spouse. Those programs are not well known, and the benefits often go unclaimed. We developed a unique Three Step Process that makes certain those benefits are available to our veteran clients. It also makes sure other issues that are important to the veteran are identified and implemented. This process is proven to work and will give you the protection and peace of mind you want.
The best way to learn more about our unique Three Step Process is to watch this video titled “Three Steps to Total Protection for Arkansas Families.” In this 4 minute video, we show you how each of the three steps fit together in to create a plan that will truly work for you when your plan is tested.
If you watched the video, you know our first job is to get to know you and build a relationship with you so we know what is important to you. When we know the risks that keep you awake at night, we can design and implement a set of planning solutions that fit those risks uniquely. These solutions are time-tested and proven to work. These solutions will provide Protection and Peace of Mind and for our veteran clients, they usually will include:
- Durable Powers of Attorney
- Health Care Power of Attorney
- Will Planning
Veterans Need Special Protection
Because they have risked their lives to protect our way of life, Arkansas veterans are entitled to special protection. So are their families. Long deployments, combat injuries and the emotional stress of combat can be life-changing for the veteran, the veteran’s spouse and other family members as well. The government recognizes this contribution and has created pension benefits and other programs designed to protect and assist veterans and their families and provide them with financial assistance. One of those programs is the Veterans Aid & Attendance Program which can help cover the cost of home health care and nursing home care for the veteran and the veterans spouse. However, the bureaucracy doesn’t always work. Sometimes intervention is required, and that’s where our VA Certified attorneys come in.
Our Connections
ILP + The Book
It is possible to protect yourself, your family and your business or professional practice from the real threats that keep you up at night. The law provides more and better solutions than ever before in history. In this book, Stan explains in clear, understandable language how these powerful solutions can be deployed to protect what you have earned and built.
Available Early Summer 2015
ILP + The Webinar
In this hour-long webinar, Stan explains how to avoid probate and protect your heirs with a revocable living trust. You will learn how to protect your loved ones what many consider to be an expensive, lengthy, and unnecessary court process. You will also learn what a living trust is and why having a living trust will protect your children, grandchildren and other heirs. Available Now